人工智慧(artificial intelligence,  AI)亦稱機器智慧,指由人製造出來的機器所表現出來的智慧。未來,被預言人類的無數職業逐漸被其取代。人工智慧是「智慧主體(intelligent agent)的研究與設計」,智慧主體指一個可以觀察周遭環境並作出行動以達致目標的系統。人工智慧之父John McCarthy(約翰·麥卡錫)於1955年的定義是「製造智慧機器的科學與工程」。(維基百科,2018)

John McCarthy在1958年發明了Lisp程式設計語言,至今該程式語言仍在人工智慧領域廣泛使用,他在1962年離開麻省理工學院,前往史丹福大學並在那裡協助建立”斯坦福人工智慧實驗”(Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory),開啟了人工智慧的研究,他主張「人類的物質發展是可取的和可持續的」。並且預言網際網路文化和社交網絡在今後將扮演重要角色,是在人工智慧發展史上重要的研究者。

AI的核心問題包括建構能夠跟人類似甚至超越的推理、知識、規劃、學習、交流、感知、移動和操作物體的能力等。 (維基百科,2018)而今,設想以人工智慧的核心架構與元素等,創造屬於人工智慧元素的藝術創作,該是如何的情境,是人類模擬機器的智慧,還是機器模擬人類的創作能力呢? 這值得探討的領域中,在此為了定義及發展,暫擬一新創詞:

"Aiism" , "人工智慧藝術論"或"人工智慧藝術派"

此研究領域,嘗試以「科技與社會研究」(Sciece, Technology, and Society,簡稱STS)來當成研究方法,並推及各研究領域或學門。此研究理論下的藝術(Arts)創作,內容重點在"模擬機器人來看人類的社會"跟"運用機器人來模仿人類的世界",容納這兩個主客觀點與二元論,在不久將來,期待提出創作或研究成果,其中包括人工智慧自然生成的創作。


Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine intelligence, refers to the wisdom of machines made by human beings. In the future, countless professions have been predicted to be replaced by them. Artificial intelligence is the "research and design of intelligent agent", which refers to a system that can observe the surrounding environment and make actions to achieve the goal. The father of artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, was defined in 1955 as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". (wikipedia, 2018)

John McCarthy in 1958 invented the Lisp programming language, the programming language still widely used in the field of Artificial Intelligence, he left in 1962, the Massachusetts institute of technology, went to Stanford university, where they help build "Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), on the study of Artificial Intelligence, he advocated" human material development is desirable and sustainable ". It is predicted that Internet culture and social network will play an important role in the development of artificial intelligence.

The core issues of AI include the ability to construct reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, moving and manipulating objects that are similar to or even beyond humans. (wikipedia, 2018) now, imagine the artistic creation that belongs to the element of artificial intelligence with the core architecture and elements of artificial intelligence. How should the situation be, the intelligence of human simulation machine, or the ability of machine simulation human creation? This is a field worth exploring, in order to define and develop, a new term is drawn up here:

Aiism, art theory of artificial intelligence or introduction to artificial intelligence

This research field attempts to use "Sciece, Technology, and Society" (STS) as a research method and to extend to various research fields or disciplines. The creation of Arts under this research theory focuses on "seeing human society through simulated robots" and "using robots to imitate human world", including the two subjective and objective views and dualism. In the near future, it is expected to propose creation or research results.

In the future of artificial intelligence, human history and culture will be redefined." AIism is a start and one of the online research platforms. The research results of researchers will be defined and applied in the future world, so that we can get the first chance for the field of artificial intelligence in the future and try to guide the well-being of human beings. This is the focus of "AIism" in the field of art or other development!


Vince Yu (文森) 10/2018



2018 Copyright Vinceyu Studio 文森事務所. www.aiism.org@gmail.com